Prayer points on today open heaven(July25th,2016)

πŸ™πŸ½ *Prayer Points*πŸ™πŸ½
on Today's Open Heavens:
 _( MONDAY    25 JULY 2016)_

1.Thank you Father for the gift of another day. Thank you for being my righteousness

2. Father, in any way I have sinned against you please have mercy and forgive me

3. Lord, in any way I have detested righteousness, I  repent today and embrace a life of righteous living in Jesus name πŸ”₯

4. Father, I receive the grace to endure sound doctrines in and out of season in Jesus name

5. Father, do not let me ever get too familiar with you to the point of being unteachable.

6. Father, please keep me away from seducing spirits and doctrines of the devils in Jesus nameπŸ’§

7. Father, please uphold me to the very end, never let me depart from the faith

8. Father, let your grace abound in my heart so that I may begin to live life pleasing to you as from now on in Jesus name

9. Father, give me the grace to live righteously without struggle in the name of Jesus.

10. Lord, I will be obedient, help me to live for you all the days of my life in Jesus nameπŸ’₯

11. Father, deliver me from every sins that can easily beset me and send me to hell fire in Jesus name

12. Father, let your righteousness reign in my life, my home and my church in Jesus name

13. Lord, I commit our Nations unto your hands, let righteousness reign supreme in Jesus name
14.  Your Personal petitions. ( Phil 4:6)

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