Delay is dangerous,whatever you want to do,do it now

Dalay is dangerous, whatever you want to do,do it now.

Bible: Text:

Ecclesiastical 9:10-11"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Last year, God shown me a big bible and  sent me to my late Brother, Enitan oluyemi,  to tell him that he didn't carry his bible.

I delivered the message to him but he ignored the message.

Because ,God love him and want to give him second chance, he sent another man of God to him to  deliver the same message to him when he was on sick bed .

 Glory be to God ,he gave his life to Jesus Christ but his too late.

I pray ,it will not be too late for you to know the truth that will set your free forever in Jesus name.

The last time,I spoken with my late Brother, he thanked  me and told me that what i told him was correct and promised me that ,if he left the hospital ,he will go to church, pay his thithe, and also be in Redeem camp to seek the face of God.

 He also vowed to me that he will work for the lord for the rest of his life.

God gave my Late Brother,Enitan oluyemi,to repent,amend his way but he didn't gave him the chance to see the Redeem camp or work for him again.

He took his life on  November21,2015 and I can't see him again.

If not because God love him, he may miss it forever and Devil will be happy.

👉I pray,you will not miss it in life in Jesus name..

God gave Oluyemi Enitan, the second chance, Can God give you the second chance?

Who are you ?

Does your way right with lord?

Do you call the name of God today and call the name of idol tomorrow?

Does God commission you to work for him?

Do you serve the lord in truth and spirit?

Does God sent you to deliver a message to someone?

Do you have unconfessed sin in your heart?

Please, don't delay, give your life to Jesus Christ now.

Delay is dangerous, please,confess your sin now.

Delay is dangerous ,please repent now.

👉Repent Now!Repent Now ! Repent Now!

👄Shout! 👄

God of second chance, save my soul today in Jesus name.

Thank you Jesus,for giving my Brother, late Enitan Oluyemi ,the second chance.

Jesus! Please,uphold me to the end.

Late oluyemi Enitan, may your soul rest in peace.

If this message change your life,please text me on this number 2348056551461

Bro Enitan#Ennyblessing

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