Dapart from me all workers of iniquities, I rebuke you in Jesus name.

Open Heaven Prophetic Declaration

Fasting and prayer (Day3)


🙏🏻Prayer points🙏🏻

👉Dapart from me all workers of iniquities, I rebuke you in Jesus name.

💥Psam6:8"Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping.

🎄Prophetic Declaration.🎄

1: I cast out all the workers of iniquity in my life in the name of Jesus .

2: I cast out any demon of failure at edge of success in my family in Jesus name.

3: I cast out all the workers of iniquity that plan to destroy my marriage in Jesus name.

4: I cast out all the workers of iniquity that surround my house in Jesus name.

5: I cast out all the workers of iniquity that spread bad news about me in Jesus name.

6: I cast out all the workers of iniquity that in charge of poverty in my life in Jesus name.

7: I cast out all the workers of iniquity that want to destroy the promises of the lord in my life and family in Jesus name.

8: Darkness on my way of greatness ,disappear now in Jesus name.

9: Father,please blood all the way that workers of iniquity used to enter my  life in Jesus name.

10: God will put a different between me and workers of iniquity in Jesus name.

11: we rebuke any workers of iniquities in this group in Jesus name.

12: Holy Ghost Fire! burn anybody that have evil plan against anybody in this group in Jesus name.


Please, share this prayer point to your family and loves ones.

You can also invite them to join the group by sending them Phone and full name to 2348056551461.

God will answer your prayer in Jesus name.

Bro Enitan#Ennyblessing


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