Christian integrity

Open Heaven Prophetic Declaration.
Bible Study and Deliverance

*Christian integrity*

Bible Reading: 2King5: 15-27.


*What is integrity?*

Integrity mean to be honest and to have strong moral principles..

The major reasons why people don't want to believe in the power of God is because many Christian has lost their integrity.

The major reason why Satan have access to the church of God is because their  is no integrity among the believer anymore.

We have a lot of man of God that have anointing but lack integrity.

I pray that God will give us the grace to maintain our integrity in Jesus name


*Father, please fill my body,soul and spirit with the spirit of truth in Jesus name*

*Various ways by which christian lost their integrity?*

1: Love of Money

1Timothy6:10"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Many pastors can not tell their members the truth again because they support them financially.

A lot of man of God cannot pray with you without asking you to pay your seeds.

We have a lot of pastors that cannot preach without collecting honourarium.

If you don't have money ,you will not be recognised in the

I pray,God will visit his church again in Jesus name.


Father,please uproot the spirit of love of money in our churches in Jesus name.

*2: Failure to tell the truth always*

Mattew5:37"But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

Any believer that fail to tell the truth has lost his or her integrity.

Majority of people that called themselves christian always tell lies. Their yes cannot be yes,their no can not be no.

I prophecy to your life ,the truth will set you free today in Jesus name.


Spirit of truth,fall upon me in Jesus name.

*3: Fake Prophecy.*-Jeremiah23:1-13

Jeremiah23:13 "And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err. 

The reasons why majority of people cannot believe in the prophecy again is because we have a lot of fake prophet nowadays.

Many people are using fake prophecy to collect money from people and this make churches to lost their integrity.

*I prophecy,any fake prophecy attach to your life shall be wash away by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name*


Father,please don't let me fall to the trap of fake prophet in Jesus name..

4: Fornication and adultery.

Proverb6: 32-33"But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: hethat doeth it destroyeth his own soul. note

 A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.

The rate at which christian are committing the sin of fornication and adultery is high.

In fact, majority of husband cannot entrust the wives with pastor again because the news of pastors sleeping with members are on high side now.

I prophecy,God will heal our land in Jesus name.


Father,please don't let me behave in your house in Jesus name.

5: Rebellious(Politics)

Psalm68:6"God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

Their is a lot of Politics that going on among believer nowadays.

If you are not in their party, they will not recommend you for ordination no matter your anointing.

Anybody that gang up against his fellow believer will lost his integrity and the person will dwell in dry land.

I prophecy, you will not dwell in dry land in Jesus name .


HolyGhost Fire! Burn any evil people that plan to stop the church of God in Jesus name.

*6: Bad Association*

Staying with wrong people can make you to lose your integrity.

What does a christian brother is looking for in bear parlour?

What does a Christian sister looking for in a club?

What does a believer is looking for in harblist premises?

To protect your integrity,stop moving out with wrong people.

I prophecy,God will separate you from any association of bad people in Jesus name.


Father,please connect me with right people that will link me up in Jesus name.

7: Owe no man kobo

Proverb22:7"The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower isservant to the lender. 

If you don't want to lose your integrity don't be a debtor.

Don't owe anybody kobo and your mouth will be free to tell the people that your God is good.

I prophecy ,you will be a leader not borrower in Jesus name.


I will lend to nations in Jesus name

*How to maintain your integrity?*

1: say the truth always.

2: Don't borrow money from unbeliever or beg money from unbeliever.

3: Don't associate yourself with bad people.

4: Run away from fornication and adultery.

5: Don't give fake prophecy to the people.

6: Don't associate yourself with bad people.

7: The fear of the lord.


To protect your integrity,let your yes be yes and your no be No and put all your trust on the lord alone.

Prayer points

1: Father please uphold me and don't let me fail you in Jesus name.

2: Father,please used me to silent all the fake pastors and fake prophet in Jesus name.

3: Father,please put your word always in my mouth in Jesus name.

4: Father,please bless me and make me a solution to my generation in Jesus name.

5: Father, please don't let me lose my value in Jesus name



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