No more promise and fail in your life in Jesus Name

                   Open Heaven Prophetic Declaration

                         Morning Prophetic Declaration

              No more promise and fail in your life in Jesus Name

  Joshua 21:45”There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass.

Prophetic declarations

1: God will eradicate failure in your life in Jesus name.

2: God will reward you in Jesus name.

3: God will put an end to struggle in your life in Jesus name.

4: God will do good to you and people will see it and join you to serve the lord in Jesus name.

5: God will remember you and all his promises will come to pass in your life in Jesus name

Mind of God

Jeremiah5:25’Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you

How long do you want your iniquities to turn away good things from you? How long do you want to be in bondage?
Repent from your wicked way today and accept Jesus as your lord and savior and your future shall will great in Jesus name.

Prayer Points

Father, please have mercy on me and wipe away my sin with the blood of Jesus.

Father, please give me a new heart and spirit that will worship you in truth and spirit in Jesus name.
I have decided to follow Jesus ,I receive the grace not to turn back in Jesus name.

if you gave your life to  Jesus and your want to join this group, please text your name and phone to 2348056551461.


No more failure, No more disappointment, God will remember me  and all his promises will come to pass in my life in Jesus name.
God bless my Country, God bless my family in Jesus name

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