Remember Minister of God

*Remember Minister of God*

*Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation Hebrew13:7*

*How to remember minister of God?*

1: Pray for them always.

2: Call them or text them often.

3:  Visit  him and his family.

4:  Advice him on how to grown ministry.

5:  Correct him in love.

6: Send gift to him.

7: Introduce him to someone else.

8:Buy their books.

9:Share their message or write up.

10 : Pay for their church program on television ,Radio and internet.

*Remember the man of God and God of man of God will remember you in Jesus name*

*๐Ÿ‘Prayer point๐Ÿ‘*

1:Father!Please open my eyes and show me the man of God that you want me to remember every day in Jesus name.

2: I want to support all the man of God around me ,father,please enlarge my coast in Jesus name.

*I prophesy!God will remember you in Jesus name*

*To join prayer group and bible study text your name,location and phone number to 2348056551461*

Love you all,



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